LoscoBot small and friendly community will make you feel at home and support each other .
If you require any assistance, our staff will be happy to help you resolve any issue or answer any question you might have .
The user-friendly and sleek interface helps you to navigate the bot faster than ever and launch tasks easier .
Our development team is always trying to improve and revolutionising the experience of users while utilising LoscoBot !
Our custom in house monitors allows you to be ahead of the competitors during each drop and in case of a shock drop .
With the help of our quick task system, you will launch MQT for individual websites with your desired amount of tasks and payment methods .
The toolbox will allow you to :
Dynamically change delays.
Change captcha solving system.
With our small user base you are able to secure multiple pairs every drop !
Supporting various websites so you will never miss a drop again !
If you have any question regarding LoscoBot feel free to message us !